A series of talks covering the “life cycle” of a project.
“Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”
Things to do before writing any code.
A tool to remind me when movies I'm interested in are released…
in the cinema, on DVD, for rental (weekly!)The application needs a concept of movies, and a link from me to a movie.
A service we can query for release dates for cinema, DVD, and rental…
What should this look like?
What are the “givens”?
What additional tools are in the frame?
Using a local version control system is a given, but also push code to a VCS in the cloud, and use API webhooks to integrate with other cloud services.
Alternatives are Bitbucket, Gitlab, or even Launchpad.
Whenever changes are pushed to github, Travis-CI will checkout a copy of the code, build it, and execute tests.
The build process should also trigger a deployment to test and production servers.
Alternatives are Jenkins or Bamboo
A tool to track new features and estimate when they can be completed.
Ideally the tool should link to the VCS and record what code implemented a feature.
Alternatives are Jira, Trac, Basecamp, or Stick-It notes.
For a team of developers, somewhere to ask questions, hold meetings, share documents and internet memes
Also useful as a place for notifcations from github and travis-ci
Alternatives are Hipchat, Campfire, perhaps email or an XMPP client…
Let's setup the github repository, and connect it to Travis-CI, Slack, and Pivotal Tracker.
Use a whiteboard to work stuff out
Next time we aim to write some actual code!